Things I’m grateful for during these trying times
Hey there, Lovely people. Hope you all are safe, healthy and are confining to virtual hugs only. Here’s one from my side. While I write this on a gloomy Sunday evening, looking at the cloudy skies from my balcony, sipping a cup of Chai, enjoying the tranquility and comfort the beautiful June month brings, I would like to reflect on the most important lesson I learnt from the past few months-Being grateful. Beyond anything and everything being grateful for all the simple pleasures the Universe has offered me has become very important to me. Here’s a little and most important list of all things I’m thankful for.
Parents and shelter
I’m so grateful to be living with my parents during the times when the world is bleeding due to a pandemic. My anxiety would not let me go out and buy basic needs, I get shit scared at times. I appreciate and love my parents for being the heroes in the hour of need. I have understood the effort it takes to bring food to the table and provide a comforting shelter to your loved ones. It’s one heck of a responsibility. I realized that the future me has to get her ass ready to be at least a 50% of what my parents were to me.
Thanks Daddy, for playing real life Captain America and Mommy for being the Wonder woman me and my brother needed. I’m really not into DC comics but I think Wonder woman is the most beautiful super hero out there. She could also be the Okoye to my Black Panther, she can be many super heroes ❤ #Wakanda Forever. ;-)
A job ( That Pays :-p)
A job that keeps me busy and occupied for 9 hours a day. Or else I wouldn’t know who or what would have helped my overthinking brain from playing all the episodes and bad decisions I made, making my day even worse. It keeps me occupied and engaged with with the outside professional world and helps me learn simple things like about how a delivery is possible when people are virtually connected. Grateful.
I truly believe that it doesn’t take effort to kick off relationships but it does takes a great deal to maintain them. Any relationship like friendship etc take effort. If you truly value the other person you will keep a check on their emotional well being and their needs, rather than pushing them away. You do not push them off the pavilion and expect them to not get hurt.
Grateful for lovely friends who keep in touch, come running to help when you are in need and maintain the relationship making me feel less dispersed. Next time I loose in Ludo just remember the fact that the game is pointless. :-D
And finally to my ONE TRUE LOVE- CHAI ( Tea)
I have no words to say to you but Thank You for your existence, You deserve a separate post Love. Working on it.
So yeah, This is a small list of all things I’m thankful for. I pray and hope for your mental and physical well being. Sharing my favorite quote by Murakami to make you feel more optimistic.
And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in — Kafka on the shore, Murakami.
Much Love,
Pooja Durgi