#1 Growth tip — Conscientiousness
During my everyday mindless scrolling activity, I stumbled upon a post. It read, “Best tip for amazing career growth” and naturally it caught my attention. This post had explained conscientiousness in detail and how it promotes growth in careers. I have recently escaped a big escalation at work and was grateful for things not going crazy bad. This experience has made me feel like I really needed some tips at work. As I learned more about Conscientiousness I have realized that it was not just a career tip but can be applied everywhere for results.
Conscientiousness is the quality of doing a task diligently and dutifully. Your attention to detail at work or anywhere else adds up to your conscientiousness. I need not lie about the era of distraction we all live in. The mindless algorithms that make sure that you never get bored and continue scrolling make sure that your awareness levels drip. It’s not entirely your fault though. There are enough Mark’s out there that make sure you never get bored with their apps. They make money in exchange for your precious time.
Imbibing conscientiousness promotes growth and makes you reliable. It can be a simple follow-up at work, saying thank you after a good interview, sometimes over-delivering, etc. Showing up for a task and showing interest without mindless inhibitions also add up to your reliability. While I practice it, I want you to do so too. Let me know how Conscientiousness helped you too in the comments.
Much Love,
Pooja Durgi